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Color block of green and pink
Questions To Ask a Brand and Website Designer Before Hiring Them For A Design Project
Color block of green and pink

Hiring a brand and website designer is a BIG deal! Whether you’re hiring for the first time to build your brand or website from scratch OR if you’re hiring for your rebrand, it’s a big step.

And it’s not something that you should do on a whim.

There are a LOT of brand and website designers out there and it’s important that you choose to hire the one who gets you, your mission, your values, and of course the vision that you have for your brand or website. 

Many times as a business owner, you have an idea in mind for how you want your brand and website to look and feel, but bringing that to life can be another story. 

That’s one of the main reasons people outsource this task.

Even if it’s something you can’t do right away in your business, it’s usually something that comes once you’ve reached that one-year mark. 

(And P.S. – speaking of making investments like this at different stages of business, I have a whole blog post about Small Business Milestones and The Investments To Make As Your Brand Evolves in case you need more guidance on when to do what.)

When you decide it’s time to hire a brand and website designer, there are a few questions you want to ask when choosing who to hire. 

And my best advice? Shop around! Interview a few designers. Most designers offer free discovery calls and it’s always best to take your time and hire the person that is the best fit for YOU and your business.

I’m not for everyone and everyone isn’t for me, so I’d much rather a potential client come to a call with questions like this so that together we can decide if it’s a good fit! 

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General Questions To Ask A Brand and Website Designer Before You Hire Them

What sets you apart from other designers?

As mentioned above, there are a LOT of brand and website designers out there and each of them will have a unique tilt. 

It’s impor
tant to understand what makes them different to understand how they will best serve you as a client. 

Have they been in the industry for a long time? Have they worked with other clients similar to you? Do they typically work with a certain industry?

These are examples of what could potentially set them apart from the rest!

What is the project timeline?

Some designers work with multiple clients at once, while others keep their workload small to focus on one project at a time. 

Your project is important to you and you naturally want it to be important to the designer, so understanding their timeline and how their specific process works is key!

How many design concepts do I get for review?

When you’re hiring a brand and website designer, you’re putting trust in their hands to bring the vision that you have to life…
but what if they don’t get it right on the first try? Are you able to revise, give feedback, and make edits?  Will I be presented with multiple brand design concepts to choose from?

If not, you could find yourself in a situation where you’re compromising on a project that really doesn’t deserve to be compromised on. 

Make sure you understand their rules for review beforehand!

How will we communicate during the duration of the project?

When working with anyone, it’s important to have clear communication guidelines and knowing these ahead of time can save you a whole lot of frustration in the long run. 

For example, if you prefer to keep work communication via email, but a designer communicates solely via text, they may not be a good fit for you! You also may prefer zoom or in-person calls instead of other forms of communication. As small and silly as that may sound, it really can make a huge difference in your overall experience. 

Do you do the work or do you outsource some of it?

Some designers have teams that help them produce a portion of the work for certain projects. Some people are okay with this, while others aren’t.

Consider this for yourself and then make sure you receive clarity on it before deciding to work with someone!


What type of feedback would you like from me?

Lastly, it’s important to understand where YOU come into the equation. Most designers prefer a certain type of feedback (speaking from experience!), so it’s nice to have a clear understanding of this before you move forward with a working relationship.

I’ve personally found that guiding clients on how to communicate their feedback saves us both a LOT of time and makes the project as a whole much more fun and effective collectively – here’s my take on it!

Specific Questions To Ask A Brand Designer Before You Hire Them

When hiring for brand design specifically, there’s a few other questions I would suggest you ask before you hire them!

What is your experience in brand design?

Before hiring anyone, you likely want to know what their experience is. This includes how many years they’ve been working in the industry, the types of projects they’ve worked on, the type of people they typically work with, etc. 

Pro tip: don’t just hire based on years of experience! While yes, designers with more years in the field might have more knowledge, that doesn't automatically mean that their skill level is what you specifically need for your project. 

What matters most in my opinion is that a designer is able to understand YOU and what you’re looking for and sometimes that means hiring someone with less experience but more skill in a specific area. 

What do your brand services include?

Brand designers aren’t created equal and neither are their services. This means that one brand designer could have a package that includes strategy, visual identity, and support after project completion while another brand designer could have something totally different. 

For example,
my brand design services include:

  • Confidence building 1:1 brand strategy session to provide clarity and direction for the messaging, voice and visuals for your biz
  • Target audience strategy to attract the actual customers you are trying to reach
  • Competitor research to find your unique place in the market
  • A full brand strategy - a documented plan that outlines how you represent your business, including ways to build relationship, memorability and a reputation that connects with your dream audience
  • Aesthetically user-focused visual brand identity to communicate the credibility you deserve - this could include multiple logos, graphical elements, word marks, logo icons, graphical icons, color palette, patterns and typography
  • A brand guidelines document that I call a "brand book" to help you nail that first visual impression with your customers
  • Brand launch 1:1 coaching so you can get prepare and plan for your audience to get excited about your new brand and introduce it to the world
  • Brand elevations to jumpstart your brand launch - things like social media templates, business cards, product packaging, etc.

Again, this comes down to choosing the person who is going to provide what YOU need!

Do you create completely custom designs?

Some designers create from scratch, while others might use templates or other pre-made designs to help kickstart your project.

If you’re solely looking for custom work, it’s important that you clarify this!


What will the initial concepts include?

Lastly, similar to understanding their review process and their service deliverables, you’ll ultimately want to know what the initial concepts will include for your project and this varies by designer quite a bit. 

“Concepts” are essentially just a fancy word for showing what the brand could be from a visual standpoint. It’s the overall presentation that encompasses the vision for the brand.

Typically, the designer will come up with multiple “directions” the visual brand could go based on strategy and then will send to you as the client to receive feedback based on the different ideas presented.

Some designers provide a full brand strategy and get that part nailed down before they move onto the visual strategy. Once the brand strategy is finalized, then they’ll often provide multiple visual concepts for the client to choose from.

Some designers, on the other hand, are considered “1 concept designers” which means they believe in a one-concept approach for a holistic and targeted design.

And then other designers could provide 10-20 versions of a logo and will get feedback from the client that way.

The way designers present the concepts differ as well – some will provide full blown examples of all of the elements they will be given at the end of the project, while others opt for mockups or mood boards. 

Basically, every designer’s process is a little different, which is why it’s important to understand how they work so that you can choose someone that aligns best with you!

As for me at Studio-A Designs, I work with clients on the heart and messaging first and foremost, and then from there I create two visual concepts, which typically includes a primary logo, secondary logo, logo marks, word marks, service icons, typography, and color specifications, along with multiple mockups of the visual brand in real world examples.

Here’s what this might look like in action when delivered to a client for review:


Grace Fiore First Visual Concept


Grace Fiore First Visual Concept

From there the client chooses one they believe resonates with their target audience most!

Specific Questions To Ask A Website Designer Before You Hire Them

Similarly, when hiring for website design specifically, there’s a few other questions I would suggest you ask before you hire them!

What do your website services include?

Again, not all website designers are created equal and since web design is a BIG project, it’s really important to understand exactly what you’re getting when you hire a website designer. 

Because think about: when you’re building a website, not only do you need the actual creation of the site itself, but oftentimes you need branding to go along with it, copy and content (aka the words that will fill your site!), brand photography, domain hosting, and more. 

With that in mind, you’ll need to know what’s required of you up front. 

Some designers are a one stop shop and offer packages for design, development, user experience, copywriting and more, while others are solely designers and outsource other aspects of the project. It’s for this reason that you want to be clear on what YOU are looking for and then seek out the people who can offer that. 

At Studio-A Designs, I offer
website design packages that include:

  • 1:1 strategy session to provide clarity and direction for the content, calls-to-action and conversion goals
  • Customized messaging and visuals to give your audience a first impression that will knock their socks off
  • A focus on taking a visitor on a journey through your website to maximize buy-in
  • Competitor research so your audience finds you first
  • Keywords, linking strategies, SEO titles, descriptions, heading tags and more to ensure your website has a healthy relationship with Google
  • Navigable page designs for simple usability
  • Coaching call so you can get prepare and plan for your audience to get excited about your new website
  • Post launch support after your big launch
  • Annual hosting, security certificate and an email support line that goes straight to me for added peace of mind
  •  A simple user log-in to edit your website along with training video tutorials so you have the freedom to make updates anytime

Are there additional or ongoing fees?

In addition to the service package fee itself, you always want to understand if there are any additional or ongoing fees that you’ll also incur. 

For example, some designers charge extra for add-on services, such as copywriting, SEO optimization, or post launch support. Some may ask you to set up google analytics and others will want to set it up for you.

Moral of the story: every designer is different, so don’t assume that you understand the details. Ask the questions up front so that you’re not left surprised in the end!

Do you use pre-built themes or are they custom designed?

Similar to custom branding, you'll often want to know if your website designer creates custom sites or if they use pre-built templates or themes.

And let me be clear – from a website designer perspective, there’s no right or wrong way to conduct this part of your business, it simply comes down to YOUR preference as the person outsourcing. 

Generally speaking, 100% custom designs will likely be a larger investment and sometimes that’s okay with people! Other times, people are willing to save when working with a template instead. 

Do you optimize websites for mobile?

Did you know that over 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices?!

This is why it’s SO important that your website is optimized for mobile and this is one of the things that gets overlooked in a website design process. 

While most designers understand the importance of it, that doesn’t mean that they include it as a part of their service. 

Do yourself a favor and get clarity on this upfront, so you can ensure that your website is properly designed for both – desktop and mobile!

Do you optimize your designs for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes?

Having a website is one thing, but having a website that can actually be FOUND is another! 

When you launch your website into the internet world, you want to know that you’re going to populate in Google searches. The only way that can happen is when your site is optimized for search engines. 

There’s a lot that goes into SEO, but one of the major factors is the design of your website, which is why understanding how a designer takes this into consideration is key.

Because here’s the thing: a designer can make a pretty website all day long, but if your site is just pretty and can't be found… there's really no point. 😬

So a website designer MUST have knowledge and understanding of SEO to create a website build with proper structure and searchability.

Do you take user experience into consideration when designing?

When it comes to website design, there is SO much more that goes into it than just aesthetics. 

While of course you want a site that looks good, you also want it to be backed by strategy. And when I say strategy, I mean careful consideration for how the site is designed, so that your user is guided through an intentional journey when visiting your site. 

This is often referred to as user experience (UX), which is essentially the overall experience that a user has when interacting with your website. It encompasses a variety of factors that contribute to the user's satisfaction, usability, and enjoyment while navigating through the site.

When choosing a website designer, you want to ensure that they take UX into consideration so that your website visitors are guided through a strategic path of getting to know you and gaining trust, so that they’re more inclined to eventually reach out for your services or buy your products!

Will I be able to make updates after the site launches?

Launching your website is a great first step, but for your site to continue to serve you and your audience, you want to make sure that you’re consistently updating it as your business grows and evolves. 

(Btw, one of my favorite ways to consistently update websites is by posting fresh blog content – here’s why this works!)

With this in mind, you’ll need to understand if and how you can make updates in the future. Do you have to go through them? Or will the virtual keys if you will, be handed over to you to handle all future site updates?

Ideally, YOU would have full control once the site is published and launched, but it’s always better to confirm what you don’t know instead of assuming!

Ready To Hire A Brand and Website Designer?

Overall, choosing to hire a brand or website designer is a BIG step for any business owner and if you’re in that space right now, I first want to say congrats. 🎉

That means that you understand the importance of having professional brand and website design and you’re taking action to make it happen. 

My hope is that these questions can help you navigate the hiring process and make it a little easier to choose who to work with. 

If you’re not sure where to start your search, I’d love to connect with you and hear more about your specific project needs. If it’s not a good fit, I’ll be the first one to tell you and I just might know who to refer you to instead!

CLICK HERE to schedule a free discovery call. I'd love to chat about your biz with you! 

Your designer friend always,



Photo showing colors. Pantone images. Pantone 214. Pantone 9320.Color palette.
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The Ritz Carlton understands customer experience and they know that all of these efforts combined add up to make their brand memorable. Even me, someone who doesn't frequent The Ritz, knows they value their customers and it makes me a little more interested in staying at one of their properties one day. YOU have the opportunity to do the exact same thing for your clients and customers. And no it doesn’t mean you have to have some huge budget or create a bunch of grand gestures all the time.
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If you want to have more authority over your content to ensure it lives in a place that will NEVER expire, you want to make sure your content is being housed in a place where you have full ownership, which is ultimately the website you worked really hard (and maybe paid a lot of money) to build and launch. So, what exactly does that look like? BLOGS! Sharing 4 ways that blogging in your business can boost your traffic and increase leads.
A logo for amanda thompson studio and designs
A pink and blue striped ribbon on a white background.
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Photo showing colors. Pantone images. Pantone 214. Pantone 9320.Color palette.
06 May, 2024
There’s so much that could be said about each element of a brand design, but for this specifically, I want to hone in on color. Colors for your brand shouldn’t be chosen at random and it’s important to fully understand what each color means before you use it as a part of your brand. The best brand colors are chosen with a clear purpose in mind, so let’s dive into the color psychology of some of the most popular colors you’re probably used to seeing. If you’re unfamiliar, color psychology suggests that different colors can evoke specific emotions, moods, and associations. While it’s true that individual perceptions may vary, there is a general rule of thumb associated with every color on the color wheel.
A woman in a pink suit is standing in front of a mirror.
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The Ritz Carlton understands customer experience and they know that all of these efforts combined add up to make their brand memorable. Even me, someone who doesn't frequent The Ritz, knows they value their customers and it makes me a little more interested in staying at one of their properties one day. YOU have the opportunity to do the exact same thing for your clients and customers. And no it doesn’t mean you have to have some huge budget or create a bunch of grand gestures all the time.
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If you want to have more authority over your content to ensure it lives in a place that will NEVER expire, you want to make sure your content is being housed in a place where you have full ownership, which is ultimately the website you worked really hard (and maybe paid a lot of money) to build and launch. So, what exactly does that look like? BLOGS! Sharing 4 ways that blogging in your business can boost your traffic and increase leads.
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Here are my best book recommendations for small business owners and brand builders. Whether you're new to branding or a seasoned pro, these top picks offer valuable insights. Dive into "Building a Story Brand" by Donald Miller for a fresh perspective on brand storytelling. Explore "Marketing Made Simple" for an advanced marketing funnel strategy. Learn to connect with your audience through storytelling with "Stories That Stick" by Kindra Hall. Reimagine your brand's approach with "The Brand Flip" by Marty Neumeier, emphasizing customer-centricity. Craft a simple yet effective marketing plan with "The One-Page Marketing Plan" by Allan Dib. Finally, explore "Company of One" by Paul Jarvis for insights on sustainable growth as a solopreneur. These recommendations cater to diverse business needs, ensuring you invest your time wisely. Boost your brand-building knowledge and stay ahead in the world of small business with these must-reads.
04 Dec, 2023
Deciding to work with a brand and website designer for your business is a BIG deal! It’s a huge step for your business and it’s one of those investments that will keep serving you for years to come. Your brand as a whole is the overarching entity that people recognize and identify you with – and it’s not a tangible product or service. Instead, it’s a mixture of visuals and feelings working together to create an experience with every touchpoint of your business to impact the perception that people have of you and your business. This means that your brand is NOT just your logo, color palette and fonts – even though all of those things play an important role. Your brand IS a an all-encompassing combination of: what you stand for and why the words, phrases and tone of voice you use how people feel when they interact with you, your team, your website and even your social presence all design elements (and the strategy and deeper meaning behind them) Sometimes people find that creating a brand and website that incorporates strategic design is hard to do on their own, so it’s very common to outsource this piece of your business. But just because you outsource, that doesn't mean that you aren’t a major part of the process! Oftentimes as a business owner, you know what you want your brand and website to look and feel like, but you might have trouble bringing it to life. This is where a brand and website designer comes into play. Together, you can work to bring to life the picture that’s in your head in a way that your audience immediately feels drawn and connected to. As a client, there is a way to work with your brand and website designer to make this happen effectively and one of the best ways this happens is through the feedback that you deliver throughout the entire process. In this blog post, you’ll learn effective ways to work with your brand and website designer to get the result that you’re really hoping for AND you’ll learn how to provide effective feedback so that the process goes smoothly from start to finish.
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